40% complete #codefast @marc_louvion course. I really loved this section on @tailwindcss I had never used it before but always heard about it. It was such a breeze.
CodeFast Reviews & Cases Studies
2751 students have already built their SaaS or online business with CodeFast. Here are some of their stories...
Real talk about #CodeFast. This first module on mindset is already worth what I spent on the course. You're saying to yourself 'bullshit, no way < 15 minutes of video did that'. Well, it did.
Day 10. - Live Photo of me settling to study codefa.st (@marc_louvion ) after I've put the kid to bed. After studying till 3am last night, I've been feeling it all day today. @pJacquelDesign I ain't doing 1000 pushups tho.
Day 6 of learning to code with CodeFast and I already have completed almost 50% of the course. I thought this would be another tutorial hell, like the 15 other courses I have bought on Udemy. So wrong. The course doesn’t feel like a tutorial. It’s fun because you are actually
Completed CodeFast by @marc_louvion It was worth every penny. It’s the first course I have completed till the end. Now on to building a portfolio of tiny websites on the internet 🚀 Keep Shipping!!!
Already at 70% and enjoying it like a Kiddo! Lucky me that I also got ShipFast 🔥
I never would have thought that I’d be spending hours learning to code, just to understand what the AI is producing for me… but I’ve fallen in love with the process. Thank you @marc_louvion for Codefast and Shipfast ❤️
I’m on the last module of CodeFast program. It is so great. I’ve learned so much and can’t wait to start building my app.
I bought the bundle Codefast is excellent - it gets straight to the point and teaches you everything you need to get started After, if you have lots of time, you can build without shipfast and save money. Otherwise, I think it's worth it to get both.
Hands down one of the best courses I ever took.
Easily the best $$ I have spent CodeFast has taught me more than any other courses, and now I have shipped • A Personal Website • A waitlist for a product I'm building I never thought I could do it with code, but with AI + resources like CodeFast anything is possible.

2,751 entrepreneurs love the course

I built a tool to find 80%+ discounts on Amazon, and my app just hit 8.7K visitors in the last 24 hours! 😱
Built AmazonFinder.deals

Thanks for the shoutout, man! Grateful to have learned with CodeFast. Update: Now $700 MRR and 17k users on my side project a month after launch 😜.
If you want to learn how to code in weeks, not months — I created CodeFa.st. It’s the course I wish I had when I started. It follows the 3-step we talked about previously. 1,132 students joined already, some already launched their businesses!
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I've tried many coding classes. I finished some, left others incomplete. But they were all similar; starting from painstakingly basic stuff. Then, I saw @marc_louvion's codefa.st after reading @dvassallo's tweet below. Loved it. Here's why
One thing I always do before putting a product on the market is to try to visualize all the ways it could go wrong and how I’d handle each situation. Most people think the worst outcome is getting no sales, but if you think about it, there is worse. You could make sales but
I'm 1 day and 28% into #CodeFast. In the past, I've had other courses from Udemy, but this already feels different. So far, I can say it's really smooth and fun learning with @marc_louvion. 😃
CodeFast by @marc_louvion, done ✅ ... and it was worth it! Generally, courses are too theoretical, but here there was just enough to get where I needed to go. Now all I have to do is keep up the momentum and quietly launch my app idea very soon with shipfa.st!
Just finished the first chapter of Codefa.st made by @marc_louvion I’ve always wanted to learn to code but never followed through — sticking to no-code instead. This course? 20 minutes in, and I’m blown away. No fluff, straight to the point. Every course
It took me 30 days to go from a complete beginner to launch my first saas. $119 in sales... Used Codefast + Shipfast. Special thanks to @marc_louvion
DAY 10 (AND WE DID IT!) – LEARNING TO BUILD A (FUNCTIONAL) SAAS 🎉 @marc_louvion, this is hands down one of the BEST courses I’ve ever taken! Practical, packed with knowledge, no unnecessary abstractions 🎉just PERFECT 🎉 Cannot wait to SHIP FAST🚀! #codefast
Took the codefa.st by @marc_louvion and I would recommend it for every PM. Explained so many things about how code works by getting your hands dirty.
Two weeks into @marc_louvion CodeFast course. Loving it. Makes it super easy to go from zero to one quickly, particularly if you have some foundational web development knowledge. Excited to bring some ideas into reality.
Just wrapped up Codefast by @marc_louvion. Mind-blowing stuff! 🚀 It's full of tips to make coding smoother and get more done. Totally recommend it for developers Try it out: codefa.st/?via=mtk

2,751 entrepreneurs love the course

Built confettisaas.pro, epicaitravelphotos.pro & more

Day 3 - Part 1 "The more I learn, the more I want" I've learned a bit more advanced concepts of javascript, but the thing I want to focus on in this post is the following: The more I follow the course, the more I want to do, it is having a compound effect on my energy! p.s.
Currently working through codefa.st tutorials, and I can’t believe how easy React is! Such a huge timesaver 🚀
CodeFast progress 👀
CodeFast has 12 hours of video. It took 10 minutes to make 1 minute of content. That's 120 hours of deep work (planning, recording, editing, writing). There were moments when my software was buggy, my mic didn't work, or I repeated the same sentence 5 times. And that does not
My first self-coded HTML page(s). Will share the journey. It's on with CodeFast.
I've tried to do a lot of online courses before, I never finish them. But CodeFast from @marc_louvion was excellent and I am officially done. I have lots of ideas, now it's time to build
When I first started coding, I had no idea what I was doing. Every line of code felt like a battle, and errors seemed endless. But I kept going. I found CodeFast, created by @marc_louvion, built small projects, and made countless mistakes. Slowly but surely, things started to
I launched my Chrome extension at 7 PM on March 13th, 2025. By 5:40 AM, I had my first $5 sale. I still can’t believe it. 🎉 Three months ago, I was a total newbie—didn’t even know how to code until December 2024, when I took @marc_louvion's CodeFast course. I’d stay up till 2
28 days ago, I joined @marc_louvion codefast course Results with my SaaS allinclip.io: 💰Rewrote landing page copy that CONVERTS 👨💻Completely streamlined user onboarding 🧠Implemented proper pricing psychology Most valuable course I've taken in 2024.
Day 6 - 68% 🚀 of Learning to build a (functional) SaaS! 📔Learnings : +🏗 Studying data architecture. +🖱 Creation of models and schemas. +↔ Using an API to bridge the Frontend to the Backend. 🚧State: A user can create boards! #codefast
Day 10 of learning to code with CodeFast Implemented Magic Link and Google Sign-In. Created collections with MongoDB. Made a user dashboard for creating a feedback form. And so much more @marc_louvion is simply amazing. He explains exactly how much you need to implement a
My first project is now live for signup! I recently finished @marc_louvion 's course codefast, and I loved it. I started with zero experience and now I have started building my own websites. Check my website out and sign up if it could be something for you! Launch is soon!🚀
Almost there @marc_louvion! Proud of me 🥹 Get codefa.st!

2,751 entrepreneurs love the course

Built landingpro.ai, uireplicator.com & instantseoaudit.com

Using codefa.st by @marc_louvion doing it's magic 🪄 So easy to follow along and places where I felt I lack confidence, is really easy to bridge over due to the simplicity of the videos 👌
🚀 Just 10 days into learning to code with @marc_louvion new CodeFast course and I'm already working on my third app! Stay tuned it's launching soon. My app's just hit 8.7K visitors in the last 24 hours! 😱 Follow along on my coding journey!
Codefast course finished in 6 days! 🎉 Time to start building!
Officially hit 50% completed on @marc_louvion ‘s Codefa.st Coding is whole new world for me. Seeing the code I write become a real, working site has been incredibly exciting. Time to dive back into the course…
I bought @marc_louvion Codefast course 4 days ago, I'm 75% in and I absolutely love it. I'm mobile developer and I have always wanted to learn web. Seems like with this course I will finally publish my first web app.
Completed CodeFast! Now to lock myself in my office and not come out until I've built my first little project! #codefast #shipfast #indiehacker
🚀 Best investments of last month: #codefast by @marc_louvion and @cursor_ai have transformed how I approach the idea of coding and building something own! From struggling with context switching to coding smarter and faster. Looking forward to seeing more green this year!
So I just finished the codefa.st course and I learned a lot of useful things. Most importantly Marc showed me that auth, payments and emails are not really that hard to integrate (which I have always been most afraid of). Looking forward to build and earn soon!
I bought @marc_louvion Codefast course 4 days ago, I'm 75% in and I absolutely love it. I'm mobile developer and I have always wanted to learn web. Seems like with this course I will finally publish my first web app.
Going through @marc_louvion CodeFast course and it is so simple and easy to understand. I was paying so much more money but felt like I was not learning anything. Excited to complete this course. A lot more to go through and learn. One day at a time.
@marc_louvion's codefast course is great. I spent hours learning async await in another JavaScript course and still couldn't understand it. The simple examples and explanations he made in 20 minutes finally made things click for me.

2,751 entrepreneurs love the course

Built nerdmask.com

Just enrolled on @marc_louvion CodeFast and ShipFast courses. So excited, he’s the one that gave me the power to start this journey !
40% complete #codefast @marc_louvion course. I really loved this section on @tailwindcss I had never used it before but always heard about it. It was such a breeze.
it's been yearsssss since i've paid for an online course with so much content all available for free online. But for some reason, CodeFast had me intrigued. I've always appreciated how quickly @marc_louvion goes from idea to deployment. Busy time of year just got busier 🕺🏽
Three days in a row studying codefa.st by @marc_louvion This is an efficient course. If I miss one day of practice I reset the count. My goal? 21 days of writing code. Thanks @louispereira for 21sessions.com
Crammed over 130 NextJS lesson modules yesterday and learned so much. I already knew some of it so it was easier to pick up the new concepts and syntax. Still have about 70 to do. Will get back to it on Saturday. Thanks @marc_louvion
i've been coding for more than 5+ and have watched more than 20+ courses but the only one i've found that is actually good and useful is codefast by @marc_louvion it shows us the entire process from mindset to getting your first customer codefa.st/?via=402231
Just wrapped up @marc_louvion CodeFast course! Now it’s time to start building my own SaaS 🚀
Just over a week in and I've completed 43% of CodeFast. I'm not one for buying courses, but I can't get enough of the short snappy lessons in this one. $299 including ShipFast seems like a steal too! #indiehackers #codefast #shipfast #coding
12 days ago I knew nothing about coding. Today I pushed a static website to Netlify. (static-directory.netlify.app) Thanks to CodeFast by @marc_louvion . Next, I’m going to make this site dynamic and mobile friendly.
I love @marc_louvion's codefast course. After spending hundreds of hours in udemy courses, being able to build something so fast is so refreshing.
@marc_louvion codefa.st is super !!!! Thank you :)
2025 started - trying to get into a habit of writing code for my side projects daily, and working on the lessons from @marc_louvion #codefast. Less designing, more shipping.

2,751 entrepreneurs love the course

Built indielaunch.ch & mrrbanner.com

2,751 entrepreneurs love the course
2,751 students learned to code, fast

2,751 entrepreneurs love the course